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A member registered Jan 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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great music and sound effects and pixel art. The atmosphere was really cool and mysterious and I liked the joke about delivering toilet paper being an absolute necessity. would be better if the end wasnt just a white box but thats fair enough as you didnt have enough time to do everything as its a game jam game.

very fun, is relevant to the theme and the blob is really cute. Its impressive that you made a VR game in such little time and it is too bad you didnt have enough time to add sound into the game.

Very fun game with a unique concept and it adheres to the theme very well.

Thanks ive played your game about the two skeletons which was great and really fun to play

very funny and entertaining game to play, great concept, beautiful artwork, could do with a bit more polishing with the yellow orb glitching out sometimes and with the way the grim reaper still moves after hes hit spikes and then gets teleported back. I dont think there is any sound either.

very funny and entertaining game to play, great concept, beautiful artwork, could do with a bit more polishing with the yellow orb glitching out sometimes and with the way the grim reaper still moves after hes hit spikes and then gets teleported back. I dont think there is any sound either.

very funny and entertaining game to play, great concept, beautiful artwork, could do with a bit more polishing with the yellow orb glitching out sometimes and with the way the grim reaper still moves after hes hit spikes and then gets teleported back. I dont think there is any sound either.

very funny and entertaining game to play, great concept, beautiful artwork, could do with a bit more polishing with the yellow orb glitching out sometimes and with the way the grim reaper still moves after hes hit spikes and then gets teleported back. I dont think there is any sound either.

very funny and entertaining game to play, great concept, beautiful artwork, could do with a bit more polishing with the yellow orb glitching out sometimes and with the way the grim reaper still moves after hes hit spikes and then gets teleported back. I dont think there is any sound either.

very funny and entertaining game to play, great concept, beautiful artwork, could do with a bit more polishing with the yellow orb glitching out sometimes and with the way the grim reaper still moves after hes hit spikes and then gets teleported back. I dont think there is any sound either.

very funny and entertaining game to play, great concept, beautiful artwork, could do with a bit more polishing with the yellow orb glitching out sometimes and with the way the grim reaper still moves after hes hit spikes and then gets teleported back. I dont think there is any sound either.

very funny and entertaining game to play, great concept, beautiful artwork, could do with a bit more polishing with the yellow orb glitching out sometimes and with the way the grim reaper still moves after hes hit spikes and then gets teleported back. I dont think there is any sound either.

i was having a wee bit of trouble actually running this game as it says i need VFXRPGAce to run it.

please give me feedback about this game including constructive criticism. thanks.