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A member registered Nov 02, 2020

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hi i tried to download the game and i ended up not getting by MEGA is there another way to download the game?

will the game continue?

(1 edit)

hi when it was time to install the game on another PC, I managed to download normally and that error screen didn't appear, so for sure the problem is on my PC, unfortunately,
And taking advantage of the moment I thank you for your support and your patience


yes i can give you the answer soon
my operating system is windows 8.1 pro 64-bit system, and i don't use any rpg maker, it was the second game i downloaded on the site
if you have a rpg maker to recommend me to test if it will work, i appreciate
I have another game called 'town of passion', I don't know if it's from the same producer, but this game may be interfering with 'succubus crest', but it also doesn't make much sense because the 2 games are in different folders
<img src="">well I don't know what happened I just installed the game and went to open it and ended up giving this error I don't know why it was in the folder when I extracted it, I didn't change anything, just opened the folder and clicked on the game and when I opened the error appeared on the screen
(sorry for my english, i'm brazilian)

hi i downloaded the game and the following image appeared on my computer reporting an error and i don't know what i might be doing, is there any solution?