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A member registered Sep 24, 2015 · View creator page →

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I was developing a leaderboard where you can see how you compare how fast you are compared to other players, but couldn't finish it in time for the submission deadline.

Glad you liked the game. I pinned the files,  so it should be working now:
My Other Self (
My Other Self (

Loved the art style, a very cute and chill experience.

Well done, The game has definitely improved on . The art is mesmerising and the overall design is very smooth. Waiting for mobile release.

We're glad you liked it.

I took a look at your game and It's neat. I'm glad someone was using the same style as me.

Best of luck to you ^^

Well done guys.

One of the most visually stunning games in this zanga.

Thanks! We're glad you played the game till the end despite the frustration ^^

haha, since there is water involved it makes sense.

We're happy to hear that the game was to your liking. As for the music, there wasn't much time to tweak everything.

Post-jam version should have though.

Thank you for your valuable feedback.

We're glad you liked it :)

Good luck to you!

Already did! 

It's a really a well-made game, best of luck to you TrickSept.

We're glad you liked it! Good luck to you too ^^