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A member registered Oct 25, 2017

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¡Un juego increible!

Cosmic Void se supera a sí mismo con esta aventura gráfica que parece recién sacada de 1990. Con unos controles sencillos y unas mecánicas muy claras, el juego permite que la narrativa te enganche durante horas en esta hilarante aventura gráfica cómica como las de antaño. Me lo he pasado igual de bien que cuando de pequeño jugaba en Monkey Island o Indiana Jones en Atlantis.

El apartado artístico no es moco de pavo. Presenta un estilo pixel art refrescante y unas animaciones dignas de los grandes estudios de videojuegos. Los puzles tienen un nivel de dificultad muy bien encontrado. Ni muy complicados como para encallarte durante media hora, ni demasiado sencillos como para ser aburridos. Y la resolución de muchos problemas termina sacandote una sonrisa al completarlo y ver que el humor absurdo de las aventuras gráficas originales sigue tan vivo como el primer día.

Juego 100% recomendado para cualquier persona que le gusten lo más mínimo las aventuras gráficas point & click.


An incredible game!

Cosmic Void surpasses itself with this graphic adventure that looks like it was just taken from 1990. With simple controls and very clear mechanics, the game allows the narrative to hook you for hours in this hilarious comic graphic adventure, reminiscent of those from the past. I had just as much fun as when I was a kid playing Monkey Island or Indiana Jones in Atlantis.

The artistic section is no joke. It presents a refreshing pixel art style and animations worthy of major game studios. The puzzles have a well-balanced level of difficulty. Not too complicated to get stuck for half an hour, nor too simple to be boring. And solving many problems ends up bringing a smile to your face when you complete them, realizing that the absurd humor of the original graphic adventures is still as alive as ever.

A 100% recommended game for anyone who enjoys graphic point-and-click adventures even a little bit.


Si, el juego está traducido en su totalidad a un montón de idiomas, entre ellos el castellano :)

The latest installment in the series. It features a very emotional journey and conclusion. For me, it's the game that was the most challenging to start, but after that, it was non-stop until completion. A bit longer than the previous ones and with a few puzzles that resist a bit. It introduces a couple of new, well-crafted animations that I loved so much.

Keep the good work and I hope you'd win the Indie dev of the year award!

The sequel to the first installment follows the same awesome features. It's an entertaining game with a story that continues to captivate you. The puzzles seemed a bit easier to me than in the first one, but that may be because I'm getting used to this kind of gameplay :) There was indeed one puzzle that suposed a bit more of a challenge, but I won't tell you which one. You'll recognize it as soon as you get there :)

This was my first experience with a text parser game. Also I'm not english native speaker so it was a bit difficult at the beginning. 

Once you get used to the way of controlling this kind of games, it becomes very enjoyable. Furthermore, solving one puzzle after another becomes increasingly addictive, and the scoring system makes you want to keep playing until you complete it.

Just played this one and I'm amazed it was developed in 10 days!

The gameplay is awesome, I love this kind of text adventures, although I'm not good at english, specially the name of things. I have to confess, I needed a walkthrough video at one point to keep moving forward 😅.

I liked the score system to see your progress and being able to move the character around. And the soundtrack is delightful

(1 edit)


Another masterpiece made by Cosmic Void!

This guy is becoming my all-time favorite indie game creator, game after game. Small games with touching stories, plot twists, awesome music... You can't ask for more!

I played this game on a Saturday night, in the dark, wearing my headphones and having my hot coffee by my side. And I can guarantee you that it was an awesome experience.

The pixel art in this game is a visual treat. The attention to detail in every scene. The narrative hooks you from the very beginning and keeps you on the edge.

Hope to see more gems like this one!


I enjoyed it a lot!

The background music is just so well-fitted at all times that it's hard to believe the game is made by just one person.

The world-building is unique and full of personality. I loved it and just wondering how awesome would be to read  a novel based on this world.

The ending was heart-touching, and the music pulled off the ambience really well.

I can't wait to play your future games. I'll be happy even if they are half the good as this one 😉