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A member registered Feb 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi. For this pack no, there’s no tilt animation.

Sweet. Thanks for using my asset :)

Thank you very much for your support and kind words.


Looks great! :)

Hello. No worries. My only restriction is that you can’t resell these assets as a standalone pack. You want to use them for a commercial game? Sure go ahead :) Feel free to combine them with other commercial packs. Cheers.

Hello. The character animation is walking :)

Feel free to send me an email over at livingtheindie[a]

Thank you! Glad you like them :)

Sorry, not at the moment.

Hi sorry for the late reply. Anything I can help?

Hi sorry for the late reply. You are right, for some reason I thought the credit card option was enabled by default but it wasn’t. I’ve already activated it. Thanks for letting me know. Cheers :)

Hi and thank you. As for the credit card, there is an option during checkout where you can choose to pay with Paypal or Card :)

Thanks! Unfortunately for the time being there are no immediate plans yet for a projectiles pack.

Thanks for the feedback :) Will add those in the next time I update.

Alrighty. I will see what I can do.

Hi it’s definitely on my list to do but unfortunately I’m a bit busy this couple of weeks. May I ask which ships were you thinking of using? I could probably update those first.

Wow that looks really cool! Never thought of using pixel art to create resume :D

Oh crap the files didn’t upload properly. Fixed. Thank you for letting me know.

Hi and thanks for sharing. The game is looking good! One feedback I would like to give is to set a small delay for the bullet firing sound effect. Right now when I left click, I only hear buzzing sounds haha. 

(1 edit)

I started uploading late at Unity hence the lower version number but I can see it causing confusion. Will be pushing an update very soon. Thanks!

Looking great! Thank you for sharing! :)

Thank you!

That's cool~ :)

(1 edit)

That's awesome! And thank you! Not sure how far was I but I reached lvl 9 before getting killed by the boss :(  For a prototype it's fun to play. Keep it going! Cheers!
For those interested in trying it out, here's the link. I highly recommend using a controller. 


Thank you!

Thinking of making that soon

Sure thing!

Thanks for letting me know. Will fix it in the next update. Cheers!

That's weird. I wonder if Itch changed something to the payment system. 

Is there some kind of an error during checkout?

Been meaning to work on it. Hopefully soon. 


Not in the immediate future. 


Thank you!

No it doesn't. The red space background I created isn't tiled so can't be used as a scrolling scene.

Awesome! Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much!