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A member registered 17 days ago

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Adastra is a very special visual novel to me because it is one that I got into because of my brother. This game grew on me as I played, and I got emotional by the end. The fight scene is especially well-written, something Howly (the writer) is especially good at. It lead me into Echo and the rest of the series. I appreciate it deeply. The characters are great and I love the story. Check it out if you are interested.

Echo is one of the best visual novels for furries. Awesome writing, awesome stories. (It reminded me a lot of Higurashi: When They Cry).

The characters here feel like real people, unlike most games where the characters feel more like well-written character. Chase, Leo, Jenna, Flynn, TJ, and Carl all are relatable in some way (to me), and you got really good dynamics between some of the side characters (especially Daxton with his dynamic with the group). I strongly recommend trying out this game!

I especially think Jenna and Leo's routes are the best. The symbolic ending of Leo's route I could go on about! Definitely play this game! There is much to love.

Thank you Echo Project for this game. It's really good! I especially love the writing and the occasional new words I learned. (Props to George Squares!) Smoke Room is very fun, and a lot spicier than the other Echo games. Love Cliff and Murdoch the most, personally. I especially found Cliff's route to be most enjoyable. I am excited to see what you have in store!

Howly, you did a fantastic job. You outdid yourself with this one. You're a fantastic writer. The intimacy between Cameron and Devon was really touching. I love Artie as well! The characters were fun, unique, and you manage to do some intense violent fight scenes. I love seeing how Devon is supportive of Cameron. We need more healthy relationships like theirs. Thank you for this experience. I wish you well on your future endeavors!