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A member registered Apr 20, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This was wonderful to read, thank you. "collocations of real people" is very accurate, as almost everyone in this story is based off actual people I knew who brought me to where I am now, for better and for worse, as well as snapshots of my past self. I hope it continues to reach the people who will experience it in a similar manner.

I will also say, as someone who's unstealthed himself, if you have safe means to do so, you cannot imagine how much it helps everyone else.


(1 edit)

This comment means the world to me.

I feel, in many ways, that almost every character in this game contains a crystalised point of my journey of being trans, as well as points I wish to find myself in the future. It may be relevant to highlight (before we wish to reveal ourselves publicly after IFComp finishes) that my age is a mid-point between L's and Valentine's.

The fact that someone else relates to this game in the same way confirms that I have done everything I set out to do, and that it's vital for this game to exist. Even if you remain the only person affected like this, we have done our job. Thank you.


Hello! Launderette Revolution here.

This game was made as a proof of concept, putting together a text-based game for Picotron. As such it’s running on spaghetti code and it is definitely nowhere near something that could be shared as a template. You’d have to own Picotron as well, which is on Alpha development and doesn’t even export to web yet. We had to get crafty to embed it on itchio.

But thanks for the interest!