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A member registered Jun 19, 2021

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Okay so this is like... exactly what I wanted out of Pesterquest when I heard about the concept??? Like the retcon shenanigans and various abstractions actually being addressed? Also I feel like the characters actually like MSPAR, and as lunaman22 said, MSPAR is much more likable. Not only that, but MSPAR feels so much more realistic as an audience surrogate here!

Honestly I could go on (and talk about how I love how genuinely compassionate John is in his route--he's such a sweetheart it actually made me emotional--or how the Reader is actually dealing with the consequences of what has happened so far--finding Dave and Jade and themself a place to stay and those newspapers clippings!--or even something as little as MSPAR's depiction on Dave's good ending--because gender-neutral is not Guy-Lite^TM) but I'll leave it here for now. All in all I'm really excited to read more going forward!!