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A member registered Apr 02, 2020

Recent community posts

I really enjoyed the interactive dialogue components and the background nature sounds in this game. I agree about enclosing the back of the street- I also fell off the world. 

I think your environment nicely complements the political aim. I had a little trouble moving around the scene- a guide for controller keys would be helpful. 

I am really drawn to this aesthetic. The concept of tracking energy calculations and statistics in this tense setting adds a sense of palpability. Better integrating the backstory narrative with the player interactions would move the storyline along. 

The timer really adds excitement to the scene. I like the way the movement of charged particles become more hectic. I would have liked to be able to spend a longer time in the last scene with the sword.

I like the clear relationship between color and text. A user interface directing to the text would be helpful.

Being able to climb on rocks adds dimensionality to the world. The patrolling light men serve as nice obstacles. Adding more resources for the character to use in the fight scene would further enhance the drama.

They physical way objects collide with one another especially in the scene with scar effectively communicated the story. I would have also liked more audio.

I like the comical nature of your game and helpful schematic. The immersive environment really set the mood.

Dramatic cut scenes really give depth to the characters' choice of where to attack. More variation in shape and color would be nice.

The different interactive set-ups nicely stage the game. Movement between scenes was a bit difficult.

I really like the way you differentiated between succumbing to madness and killing the monster in terms of colors and movement. I thought the way you used cubes to depict a network of neurons in the science analogy was clever.