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A member registered Jan 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey, did you find a way to implement the saving system? It sounds like you didn't build it using state pattern. If you had, you would be able to save the state in a file and load it again later on. Anyway, if you more or less explain how the state of the game is done, I may try to suggest some workaround. Thanks. cheers

It is exactly like CGI. It's wonderful. If it was like just regular, it wouldn't have 20% of the charm. 

Isn't API a wonderful thing? xD

Hello, thanks for the promptly reply!
I think I would be of more helping with code by the time being, so scene modeling. As it is with C#, I would require a bit of review. Last time I worked with it was in 2018! 

Nothing to worry about. I just need to see how could I apply design patterns like in Java, the standard libraries, and nitty-gritty of syntax. 
Do you have any particular resource you would like me to read before anything else? Aside from that, I would need to learn your VCS workflow and to check reusable code bits (e.g. to move char, to trigger events, etc)


As far as I can see, two folks from my country participated in this game. With which technologies has it been made? Is it Unity? Godot?

I saw your game in manlybadasshero channel in YouTube. Wouldn't you like to let me join in? As one can notice, his channel has a lot of Indie-like, or short-lengthen horror games. I which to participate in one of such as a hobby and intern (I have a degree in computer science.)

Just let me know, ok? Thank you

I am a software engineering myself. 

I hope you tried to do something like this: and also paying attention to the article in the very ending (steering) . 

I think people use to choose a path finder algo for each difficult level, adapted to game engine and also other mechanics, like the duck grabbing. 

você tem talento para fazer uns jogos do género metroidvania.

I would like to know if, in these assets, do you include Church interiors and exteriors.

This graphics are very much like old school game ones. The feeling, the color palette. How you use to make them?

Did you make every stage at hand or did you create a system (maybe AI) for the running duck abstracted from every stage so you could fit his behavior in any stage easily?

I think he may wanted to say that CPU is a bit hard to beat.


I would like to know if in these assets, do you include Church interiors and exteriors. And in which of the packs is it included among the ones presented in this page? 

Thank you.