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A member registered 77 days ago

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Well considering Sakura is one of the supplier, I think it would be an option choice. Maybe probably like World Tamer.

But then again, your idea is great.

You can just explore on the games section and you'll find it, eventually, probably, good luck.

Well that's how the story goes. Also, you should've saved before that so that you won't have to touch the event. Lastly, the event is only 5 days at least up to one week, not weeks. 

I played the game. The story is really great. Some are predictable but still good to see. I'm just hoping for bro Rick to have his waifu too though maybe not possible. 馃槀

I have some events remaining like the Pool one. But I guess I'll wait for Otome on the "final one" to invite Suzume(?). 

You just need to read the hints, and it will tell you.

It should be, Tsubaki - Satsuki - Fumiko - Otome - Hibiki. These are the focus of Otome event