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A member registered Jan 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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(5 edits)

In my 17 years of playing videogames, I've never left a review on one before.

This game is phenomenal. I don't know who did the writing but it feels natural and compelling, with the "crossroad" dialogue options super well crafted and interesting. Obviously a ton of work went into this element alone.

I love the back and forth between the "work" and the text conversations. The artwork is unique, and both abstract while feeling very real. Body positive vibes all around, which is so refreshing - I had no idea I'd be as invested in the characters as I am. 

I can genuinely see this game premise being expanded in all sorts of interesting ways. I know everyone has different thresholds for affordability, but in my opinion this game is undervalued. In a world where it's not split into parts and/or offered as a full v1.0 release, I could easily see this valued at $10-$15. Truly unique - kudos!