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Limb Damage Games

A member registered Jul 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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Glad you like it! I have a lot planned for this project! I am hoping to roll out some updates soon!

No problem!

In the current state it is not possible because it was made using WPF which can only run on windows, however, I am planning on remaking the game eventually in a game engine so that it can be played on any platform. 

This is a cute game, I really enjoyed the art style, nice job on it! 

Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! In its current state it has a good bit of spaghetti code and I am planning on remaking the game at some point using Unity, but I have two other games in the works right now, so stay tuned!

Even for such an early version, this is really cool! Gives me a lot of simple planes vibes.

This game is amazing! Nice job on it!

This is pretty polished, nice job!