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A member registered Aug 02, 2022

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the controls are so fcking annoying cuz im using mouse pad

brooo how do you give it to the customers?? that bell doesnt workkk

this is great for losing time, no map, no hint, just keep losing throughout the whole forest

I started to cry like a kid who lost their mom, this actually sounded similar to what happened to me, and this is giving me a painful nostalgia back up then with the girl that I fell in love with I could never see her again after moving to another school and changed number because she didn't pass the year and I was so lonely back then, I never felt the same for others than I do for her...

why its to difficult to shot? when the arrow is pointing at the enemy it goes to the other side

the bug tho..

harder than i expected 

any dragon pokemon weakness is fairy

why did it says Ditto you win if im playing as Pikachu?

the description control of this game is kinda funny lol

i dont understand

pls so much bug

after getting all the letters (i think) then it appears saying "not" in white then it appears like theres a bridge and then i went there and then it becomes all gray, its the end?

pls i dont understand what to do after making the jelly, putting in the tall cauldron

bro i dont understand

record: 43 ducklingsss

not only moving to the next day is a bug but the arrow keys are reversed, when going forward with up arrow key it goes back, or using right key it goes left

bro but i keep collecting stuffs but theres no cat there, just full of creepers

this is crazy

camera is crazy

I love it! The was so cute and wellmade I hope you can still continue making more games like this, many people enjoyed it <33

the end when it reaches to the girl, I cant go any further :/ so it means its the end?

the dog..thats a cat

I expected something that isn't sad but this is just sad how the boy lost his cat, me as a cat lover I can't when a cat loses their life, its just too much for me but I really love this short interactive game it talks the truth about a pet, pet is not just animals living and eating, they're also part of a family that shows you comfort and love