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A member registered Apr 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Awesome game!!!! love the artstyle, the story creeped me out!!

Great work! had fun with this one

Great work!! Had a good laugh XD

This was excellent!! Great work!!

This is fantastic!!! game design is incredible. It freaked me out!

Geat atmosphere, i was spooped XD

Intriguing story!! had fun with the demo, curious about the full game!

Had fun with this one!! Great job when it comes to game design!!

Played the game for my halloween special episode, had a lot of fun! (starts at 29:35).

Played the game for my halloween special video, Dema Studios never dissapoints!

Played the game for my halloween special video, enjoyed it a lot!!

Don't know if the clunky aspect was intentional but it made the game more suspenseful XD Overall pretty creepy

Excellent game!! freaked me out XD Very suspenseful! kept me on edge the whole time!

Pretty funny! love the sound effects! i was more worries about my surroundings than what was on the phone XD

Loved this game!

This was excellent!! Great job! it freaked me out XD 

Moe kind of freaked me out. i might have encounterd a glitch at the ending XD

Have to admit, This freaked me out a bit XD good job!

Nice! i'll keep an eye out

Hahah yeah  i caught on the second playthrough.
And yep i knew i had to jump in between the sickles by the end but automatic reactions took over XD
Nice work man!

Great atmosphere, overall nice work, curious to see what you are going to make next!

This is great!!! Excellent job!, i ran into a glitch before the boss but other than that it ran smoothly!

This is a great concept and has a good atmosphere. I think it would benefit from an expansion and exploring more of the world. Either way appreciate the work you put into it!

I thought this game was great! The concept is fantastic and really like the unique aspects (like the speed for 5 seconds XD). Creepy atmosphere as well. Liked that there are more endings, might come back to it! 

This is excellent!!   Got what i wanted as a horror  fan! It freaked me out XD 

This was pretty creepy, Nice work! It did leave me with some questions XD

Excellent story telling, great puzzles and a nice twist. Had a lot of fun with this one! (giive my elaborate opinion at the end of the video)

Awesome game! had a lot of fun with this one!

i love the questions, it became a philosophical video instead of just a gameplay XD great job!

This was fantastic! really enjoyed the game, nice sense of humor XD

Thanks, It was a pleasure !

I will definitely check out Hereditary. The reason that i'm not a huge fan of modern horror movies is because of the esoteric messages. Old horror movies have them as well but i can agree with those a lot. Midsommar for exemple is a huge subversion of what the tradition actually is and while it might be a fun horror movie on the surface, i could feel my ancestors rolling in their grave. Writers and directors can sometimes do these things by accident (or for creative and story reasons) and i can turn my brain off and enjoy the movie nonetheless but some writers and directors subvert intentionally and have a clear message. In those cases i don't want to pay for the movie to sponsor their political activism. This is ofcourse subjective and my personal reason why i do or don't support certain things monetarily.

Nice to know that i was close about your game, checked out other gameplays and comments and i think that i have the full picture now! Great game!!

Looking forward towards your next project!

I liked the mistery aspect of this one! Good sense of humor at the end XD

This was a lot of fun, i love the tension and the twist!

I had a lot of fun playing this one! great work! unfortunately i encountered a glitch at the end and i couldn't defeat the monster, the axe did not work or i overlooked something which was a shame because i really like the game!

Thanks for appreciating the 'speech' XD. Good to know what the aim was. It is difficult for creators to handle this subjectmatter in a proper way. I felt that that the netflix series '13 reasons why' for example was handling it the wrong way. It came across as romanticising suicide and there was an uptick in suicides by fragile people who had watched the show. 

The talk at the end was actually around 25 minutes but i had to cut a lot out and i did go into how fragile a person can be stuck in that headspace so i totally agree. I have personal experiences with depression and suicidal tendencies and that's also why i was so careful when it comes to my talk at the end. Currently i'm working as a social worker and i have studied psychology as well so i'm dealing with a lot of different cases that are unique linked to the subject matter. There are indeed people who don't display any signs of depression or being suicidal that eventually decide to give up on life duo to multiple circumstances. I agree that people should be attentive when it comes to subtle signs.

It was a pleasure to play the game. It looks fantastic and i'm impressed that this is the first game. Looking forward towards the future projects!!

It went form scary to very depressing (in a good way). Great concept! not many games can make me give a speech at the end XD

Creepy atmosphere! Pretty interesting for a first game, looking forward towards your future projects!