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A member registered Aug 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for letting us know, I'm so peeved that they had the gall to take our money and leave us hanging with no update.  Learned my lesson to never support indie games until the actually release the game. 

This happened to me on Purrfectly Ever After too. They were taking too long to develop the game (but luckily didn't abandon the project and are still updating) and I didn't want to support them anymore. But they won't refund me.

Hi, I was just wondering when the epilogue comes out here or on Steam :)??

Hi, I was just wondering if there is still going to be a Steam release? 

I know that Steam got rid of their Greenlight thing, and so I was just wondering what will happen to this game??

Thank you~!

Hi~ I was just wondering when it will come out on Steam and if there are going to be any achievements on Steam as well?

The art work is beautiful and the whole story has completely captured my heart <3

I can't wait for the full version :3

(1 edit)

OMG my favourite part was the MC bullshitting at the pet store, all of the choices were amazing XD

All the dialogue and thoughts are hilarious and I can't wait to support it on Kickstarter and up vote on Greenlight :3

I love this so much and can't wait for the full game d>w<b

I was just wondering if you guys have a rough estimate on how much the game would cost to purchase and if you were thinking of bringing it onto Steam :3?