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lil ghostey

A member registered 44 days ago

Recent community posts

Such a cute demo!! I loved the premise! I used to have one of those books as a teen too, hehe

Very cool!

Cute little game. Missed opportunity to call the shrimp shop "shromp"

This game is awesome! There are so many options and it's way more complex than I was expecting. I've been playing it for the past couple days nonstop! :)

I chose "pokemon" first. I was very utterly confused. Then I chose "human." I was confused but less so. Thank you. Goodbye.

Fantastic! Cant wait for updates! So far this is a lot of fun

(1 edit)

Simple but enjoyable game! The leaves  obscuring the top part of the screen makes it more challenging. I got to 254 :)

Absolutely fantastic game. I got to some stairs in level 1-1 and he slid all the way back down. Simply amazing

Also kept going "no no nO NO--" when I accidentally kicked an apple off the edge lol

Nice! Lovely little game!

Simple but cute! Cant wait to see the full game!

I LOVE Renae so much!! Trans icon!!

When the picture frame broke and George started tearing too buddy, me too