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A member registered Aug 07, 2023

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Even tho in the beginning I was always joking around and thinking it was a "fun bad" horror game, towards mid to endgame this game actually got really scary, can't wait for chapter 2

This game was extremely fun, cannot wait for the other game modes

I like how unique the game is, even tho i have claustrophobia i didnt feel claustrophobic while playing

I loved the atmosphere i loved the jumpscares, im excited to see what the developer does next


I Absolutely loved this games, i cannot wait for the other game modes to release, if this game gets some type of story mode it would be cool (even tho i have no ideia how it would work)

Really loved this game,I'm excited for chapter 2, I hope it doesn't take long to release

I ain't watching all that

This games was really really funny and entertaining,my only complain is the fact that sometimes the shooting button wouldn't work, you can check my gameplay to see those moments

I played this game a few days ago on my channel, i really enjoyed it i hope you make more games like this

this was by far my favorite chapter, it was so action packed, I hope the next ones are just like this

I played this game a couple a months ago and i loved it, didn't know it was also in

This Game was so unique, I hope there's some type of remake in the future

This game was so fun I had to make short about it

This game is literally fantastic even tho I was really unlucky and always losing I still had great fun,I hope this game gets more updates in the future 

then why are you here

Awesome chapter, can't wait to play the next one

Couldn't wait to play Garten Of BanBan Chapter 2, and oh boy did it not disappoint, so far and by far this was my favourite chapter i really hope the next one is has good or even better then this one

I really LOVED this game, i think it has the potencial to be has good or even better then poppy playtime, I've seen that there are a couple more chapters that have been released so you know the developers are really consistent

Really nice and fun Christmas Game

I played this game 4 months ago and it was my first ever video in my channel, I can confirm I started my channel with a banger, this was the scariest chilla art game I ever played and hardest

Really liked this game

This game was so good, I made a video about it and now I made a short of one of my favorites moments from this game

Such a fastatic game, really creative and super excited to play more games made by you

The build up to the first jumscare got me sweating HARD (and i have sweat allergy, so not good for me) either way i really liked this game and was not expecting the ending

I loved this game so much i really hope there's gonna be a second one, I also loved night of the consumers but in terms of story a soundtrack i think i prefered this one. Plz continue to make more amazing games like this = )

I played this game a couple of months ago,but only now I decided to post it here, I really loved this game and I'm currently editing Let's find Larry 😁

I hope to see more games like this in the future,a second game of this exploring the lore would be cool or just a longer version of this game

Another amazing game made by vidas

Great GAME, didn't expect that ending 

great game,

Awesome Game, Looking forward to play more Games from this team

(1 edit)

I really love this game, the endings are absolutely INSANE