I am working on new versions of all of these with a 2x zoom.
Liam O'Connor
Creator of
Recent community posts
I've now released a new version with improved physics, I think. The gravity effects are now relative to the medium, so salt should move through water more quickly. I also tweaked lava so that it's possible to destroy thin spreads of lava using copious amounts of water. If there is a lot of lava, you get a nice boiler instead.. A side effect of the physics tweaks is that steam escapes faster from water giving a nice "boiling" effect.
It should be possible to build from source on Linux to get a native binary, which might perform better. I will tweak the physics a bit, i'm not happy with some of the relative falling/dispersal rates. The salt water being a barrier and the lava being indestructible are symptoms of this..
Edit: Thanks for the feedback!
Hi there! I'm afraid Linux binary distribution is such a mess that I can't get a reliable cross compiler set up for my Mac anymore. Basically, I could build a binary that executes on my Linux machine, but the chances that it would work on anyone else's machine is a tossup, depending on specific versions and locations of libraries etc. If you are familiar with the terminal etc., you can build a version for your specific distribution from the source code on GitHub if you install a rust compiler, cargo, and SDL.
Ah, it's trying to build the chess game for some reason.
Try just going
git clone https://github.com/liamoc/desktop_games.git
cd desktop_games
cd gatchi
cargo run --release
Hi, it looks like you instead created a new Rust project called gatchi and built that. Try running this exact series of commands:
git clone https://github.com/liamoc/desktop_games.git
cd desktop_games
cargo run --release gatchi
Honestly, I can't really support Linux binaries anymore. Although, it should be easy enough to compile the games yourself for Linux. All you need is a Rust compiler and cargo, and SDL.
Don't use the Makefiles, they're for publishing to Itch. Looking at the Ubuntu packages for example, I think you'll need to run something like:
sudo apt install rustc cargo libsdl2 libsdl2-dev
Then just run
cargo run --release gatchi
from the directory where you cloned the above repository.