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A member registered 78 days ago

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I dont know whether or not to feel Happy or Sad for Leo. It's really great that there's so many people who love the game and the expectations are pretty high. But also horrible that they have to deal with CERTAIN individuals who never heard of something called patience. 

I also feel like people forget that there's something else called life. Granted coding and designing takes a long time to finish but sometimes unexpected circumstances can cause delays. I guess patience is alot to ask for these days. So disappointing馃槦

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Awww why did you have to say that!? I never thought of that once and now you got me worrying for them

Probably. Also i have a theory but maybe im just reading to into it. Leo is probably not doing updates right now because its very close to the end and doing them could make it longer for the the build to be release. Kinda like if your running a race you wouldnt slow down near the end, you would start sprinting馃槄

Oh okay understood. Cant wait to see it though. Both for Build 5 and 6馃槂 Just remember to not overwork yourself. We dont want that, your sanity comes 1st馃槅

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Wow! This is awesome! I cant wait to see it. And build 6? Haha am I crazy that i thought that this was going to be the final build?馃槄

Got it. I was just curious since claire can get pregnant, I wonder how gameplay or the characters would change if she gives birth馃槄

So, it's fare to say, if something is not in the Development Log for version 5.0 it will be added on in a later update? Example, we probably wont be seeing Claire having a baby since its not in the logs right?

For the most part, thats true. Im pretty sure馃

haha, I guess you can say Debtors became a Wonderful Curse?馃槄 Like, it's amazing that so many others love it but overwhelming at the same time? Either way, I know for a fact it's going to be awesome 馃榿馃槈

Woah all these updates are amazing! Also i know you got alot of people hoping for the next build to be released already but i just want to tell you that we support you and we know that you cant rush art. You are doing great and we cant wait to see it once its ready馃榿

Agreed! So far Landlord and Franklin are my 2 favorites

What is the purpose of Vitamins again?