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A member registered Apr 13, 2021

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Hi.  My name is Chasse and I can't even make a single game update in 10 months.  Maybe I should change my name from Chasse to Fail.

1.) How can I prevent the female from requesting another position? I would prefer not to get those type of prompts.  I put a checkmark next to 'AI Only Suggests', but the females still request other positions and intensities.

2.) A lot of the time, my male anatomy will poke through a female's stomach not necessarily because of the size but because of the angle. Is there a way to fix this?  I tried using the PenisRotation controls PageUp and PageDown, but it didn't do anything.

3.) Can I make the female get instantly wet after she already got off.  I don't like it when they are dry.

(2 edits)

You should jump on F95 and start interacting with people.  Talk to them, make some friendly replies and responses, let them know how development is going.  Why?  Because in the last 6-7 months, especially at the time of your Ep 01 release, your game was the hottest, most interesting, and enjoyable game out there.  And there were hundreds, maybe thousands of people interested in it at the time.  And if you interacted with those people, a lot of them would be your Patrons right now and you'd have a $3000 minimum monthly income.  But if you don't want to do that, that's on you.  But at least update your Patreon and pages and let people know that you abandoned the game.  It's a shitty move to just stop working on it and not communicate with your followers at all for half a year.  And if you do start communicating, don't start making a bunch of excuses like how busy you are with work and school, how poor your health is, how your laptop blew up and you lost all your game files, how you experienced a death in the family, etc.  Because 9 out of 10 times when a developer does that, they are just lying out of their ass and want to trick people into believing them and feeling sorry for them.  Just report on the SITUATION OF THE GAME and EXPECTED FUTURE PROGRESS, and be as honest as possible.  I'm really disappointed in you.  I thought that you were a great developer, but in the last 6-7 months there hasn't been a single game update or any news from you.