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A member registered Jul 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey there

I am as of now not sure if we're going to be working on a 2d game in unreal, and also because I have no idea how paper2d works. I'd have used unity for that, but my aim is to make something stylized in unreal this time. In any case, I am willing to talk to you on discord if you want

(1 edit)

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if there was anyone who might wanna use unreal as the building framework for this jam since people who use unreal are pretty rare in such events. I am quite willing to team up with you or join your group aon. 

I have been programming for about 5 years now, using game dev technology for 2 years, unreal for around 1. My preferred role is that of gameplay programming, but I can make some basic decent-looking 3d models. Here's my artstation-

Here's my discord- Leviathan#5750

You shouldn't be :)

Thanks for the information! I wanted to know about the age requirement not because I think age defines intelligence, but because I could not take part in the recent epic mega jam because of some legal issues related to age.

Happy Jamming!

(2 edits)

Hey! I know its late but I'm also looking for people using unreal engine for the jam.  I am still learning blender and am confident with my skills with blueprint and c++. If possible, I would like to work with you in this jam : )

Here's my artstation->

Hi everyone! 

As you might already know from the server jam lfg, there are very few people who want to use unreal engine for the jam. I am among them. My skillset in the dev field is vast in programming, although am still learning 3D art. I am looking for  3D artists who could help me build a game for fun and portfolio in unreal.  

If you are interested, dm me in discord at- UCharacterComponent*#6694

Here is my artstation->

I am 15 and a pure night owl so I doubt timezone will be a problem but we can discuss it :)

Hey there! I am 15 years old right now and wanted to know the age requirement for the event. You see, usually have a 16+ age requirement. Would like to know if I am eligible :)