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A member registered Dec 09, 2017

Recent community posts

This is the project the most I am looking forward.

This is wonderful work. Please complete the project.

RIP mate.

Great, thanks!

(1 edit)


Nice, fast game. I have 2 criticisms:

- After the game ends, why it asks me to press space to play again? So far we do things by pressing fire button, so why change to keyboard now?

- The things we collect are quite abstract, and when you collect all there is no indicator directing the player to the door. I think there can be something to indicate the door is now open.

Anyway, good work and thanks for the free game. 

Great! Thanks for the info.

Hello, a great game. Could you please create a .d81 version?  I tried creating one by putting all the files in a .d81 file, but I have no way to test it. Thanks!

Hello, great game. Will there be an ADF image anytime soon?

Paypal is not available in some countries, like mine (Turkey). :(

Hello, please provide payment by credit card, as Paypal is not usable in every country. I'm willing to buy the game, but I can't pay by Paypal. 

Congrats! Awesome work!

Great work, thanks. Any way to run it from the HDD?