now one of the advices makes sense, now i am curious how everything is gonna go no
yay i am soo excited to the next build now
theres a error in coach day 20 when exploring his body
monkey update yeah boiiiiii
what i was thinking about this novel until now hoping see this update, someone is reading my mind
that as sick, i am excited for the next update, and yes he as a realy good hound
i think ist just me, but every time i download the archive is corrupted
1.142 still have the richard route bug
Eu realmente amaria um terceiro jogo com a cena do casamento e algo aconteçe e atrapalha o nosso casamento que nos força a fazer algo pra no fim nos cassarmos
Obs:quero depois compra o anel cria ai por favor 🙏🙏🙏