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A member registered Dec 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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I'm not even 3 minutes into this game and already blown away by how much care was put into every detail. The voice acting, the music, the saving screen, the art... So excited to complete it!!

I was so gooped to see this game being played by Markiplier. It's so amazing to see amazing creators get boosted <333

I really hope that one day the creator decides to try again with this game- losing significant progress can be super discouraging, butthis game has been amazing so far ^^

Great animation, great atmosphere!

I absolutely loved this! I really enjoyed playing an MC with such a strongly defined personality, and the fact that she didn't follow what you'd conventionally expect from a female protagonist. The art was very pretty [to avoid spoilers I'll just say my favourite CGs were the ones featuring the shield, and the bed] and I loved how Yrsa and Uribel's bond grew stronger. Very fun playthrough and I'm looking forward to the next game!

Looking forward to his route! Thank you for all your hard work <3

Just started playing, and I could tell that I was going to LOVE IT just from the title screen.

(3 edits)

There is a severe lack of sexual otome games featuring gay girls! 

To make it worse, the second that one comes out, it's said to be fetishizing us and pandering towards straight men.  I'm not saying that there aren't blokes playing this, because based on the comments it's safe to say that men are interested in this too. My point is that people are allowed to like what they like, and that shouldn't take away from the importance of having media in which women are allowed to partake in sexual relationships. 

Personally, I can't see any of the aforementioned "fetishization" present in this game. Yes, it's a pretty simple storyline, and features strong sexual content, but in what way is that an incorrect or harmful representation of us, or the community? Is it the part that shows a cute relationship with both emotional and physical connection? 

Am I not allowed to enjoy one of the few lesbian otome games out there for fear that some guy is enjoying it as well? By that logic, let's not put out any lesbian games or media with sexual content; god FORBID that a MAN ever sees it. Fuck representation and normalization, am I right?

The funny thing is that most people don't carry the same energy of outrage towards "yaoi" or "boy love" games and media, which is mostly targeted towards/made for straight women. In fact, those games and media usually feature a lot more harmful depictions of gay relationships (terms like uke and seme, the trope of sexually assaulting someone because you love them, one of them entering the role of a female figure so as to appeal to women etc.). The relationship present in this game is completely consentual, and in no way suggests that one of the characters has to fill the role of a man. 

But no, keep getting mad at the prospect that a straight dude is playing this instead of continuing to push for normalization.