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A member registered Feb 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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i have 85 iq shoul i be worried

he's so silly HAHASHDSHFDSIB HS i lov him

at first i thought you where supposed to drag them and i got really mad they where avoiding  my mouse

IM LAUGHING MY ASS OFF i wasnt expecting him to just spontaniously deadname me and then shut the game down

i played this game and then took a nap and then had a dream about it 10/10

really really really like this game :D will be playing this on repeat when i'm bor e d. .. .

ANYWAYZ here's my attempt at myself :333

this ga me was so silly :3 i lov ed it

boing boing boing :3

ni ce job on thi s game

hes so sill y i lov eth is  gme

she had me at 2000s cartoons, she didn't need to bring up my lack of caring friends (/j

"you're breaking the bro code"

this game makes me laugh more then it should

the rat has become too powerful, we'll all be tricked into feeding the rat cookies forever

10/10 will play again

my anxiety ruined the game for me but that's fine 

the game deadnamed me LMFAO

but other then that, it was fun!!

AAAAAA i love the character designs so muchhhh!!

can i draw them?? i feel as if i must draw them