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A member registered Apr 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Also also I think the music is stopped whenever one finishes the game so it doesn't start again when the game is replayed without reloading the page (probably an issue with your autoloader ;))

Game kinda too easy imo but reminded me of this og classic in a good way

Also pink and yellow is a strange colour scheme, could be improved.

Yo I kept getting issues with some special characters trying to be read, so here is an improved version of the make_clear function, which relies on RegEx instead of replacing:

func make_clear(text: String) -> String:

var regex =

regex.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+")

return regex.sub(text, "", true)

When Basketball Game part2: the Button Game?


Go play Realm Of I that’s more for ya ;)

Dw more of this style is coming

The game was fun too. Of course it's still being playtested and all but it felt like there was strategy missing, but that's probably mostly just because of the fact that it just isn't done lol. I liked it.

Man you really have a skill at making the cleanest UI.

Then you make it say "Diarrhea". But god damn that UI is so clean. Very well done on that.

Fuck 'em crabs got a 87x. This is actually like super fun man goddamn.

Shit's like Sonic but with great music and [fish]. How'd you make the road? I remember trying to make a curving road like this a WHILE ago but I wasn't capable of it back then lol. Sick game.

Alright, thanks.

Game Off 2023 community · Created a new topic Bought assets

Is it alright if I use paid assets in my project? Example: More Mountains' Feel asset and Febucci's Text Animator for Unity. Thanks.

What the hell have you lads made. Dan is way too scary.

<3 Thank you !

Fun lil game

I think the idea is great, but it has a lot of issues. First of all pls don't reset all my progress upon game over, man I was painstakingly fillin' out all that info I could've tried again. The dialogue options make me wanna experiment, and as soon as I experiment I am punished for it by resetting all of my progress makes it pretty bad. For a game jam game i think the idea is great, art is great too but the gameplay would've needed like a day's worth of time more polish. Good stuff though. Seems you may win me this year, but We'll Be Back.

I rate this game 5/5 stars. I made this game.

Pretty good but i get absolutely earwaxed when i kick the ball... The game does look great though.

(1 edit)

Wanted to share my game idea:

It uses "An end is a new beginning" three times

1. The player gets fired from his job at the beginning, and in the letter they say "But remember, every end is a new beginning", which is true. It leads him to a new adventure.

2. The player finds an artifact that revives him when he dies, so all of the damage he does to the levels will stay, but you will be reborn. I will make each death strategic, you have to think about how and when you die.

3. This one is a story thing, i guess you'll just have to find out yourself :D

Other than that, 2D topdown adventure / kinda rpg type game where the player is a private investigator investigating a cult.

Thank you everyone! Unfortunately i will not be able to finish the game, but i wish y'all had a good jamming experience. If anyone wants to steal the idea for a future project, here goes the information i left missing: the game's name would be "Countdown To Extinction", totally not referencing a Megadeth song by the same name. The cult worships a god of rebirth that will destroy the earth but would only rebirth everyone who chose to worship it. It would work somewhat like Roko's Basilisk (google it if you don't know what it is). The player could choose to either try to destroy the cult, or join it.

Depends entirely on what your game will be, some types of games need to be longer than others, like you most likely can't make a compelling story within a game that is 3 minutes long. Short games are very common in jams though, so i think you shouldn't worry about the length and rather the polish of the game.

I think it's a great idea, and fits very well. 

Quick hotfix before the jam ends, fixed many major issues and increased the difficulty slightly. Have fun :)

Very cool! Works with the theme and is a very relaxing experience.

Pretty fun little game :), i think it could've benefit from a volume slider, the music is super loud for me. I'm pretty sure i'm in your discord screenshot right there :D

Doesn't work for me on windows 11. It freezes on the level where there is nothing. I have 250 coins. Strangely the music still plays while nothing else works... Sad to see it not working i think the game looks extremely promising, the page is beautiful.

button supremacy

You too!

Sick game! Music goes hard as all hell!

Ive never really liked the voxel style, but thats all just personal preference so don't mind that :)

The game is really addicting, i felt like playing it over and over but sadly i have a lot to do today so i couldnt go but just a couple rounds. It was a bit annoying to constantly get into a situation where i can't really do anything, but take damage. I think the game would've benefit from additional usable items or weapons, but also, its a jam game so its totally understandable to not have that.

In my opinion, the UI is a bit lacking, the text is too big and ends up looking... strange. Idk how to describe it, and this is really a personal preference thing too but big text in UI just looks wrong to me.

Anyways, great game!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. Ive seen that one specific issue talked a lot about, and for good reason. It was an oversight on my part, i did very minimal testing since i added the last few enemies just at the end of the jam so i didn't even notice that happening. If i make a follow up non-jam version, ill fix that, with some other balance things.

Last minute music fix !!!

(It didn't loop earlier)

spooky sausage

Very scary almost peed my pants

I started insulting the skeletons



(1 edit)

2/5 doesn't contain explosions

im joking ofc, its really cool, feels really slow in the beginning and is not very satisfying but it is what it is and is very solid for 3h

It's a fun idea, the going up and down controls feel pretty unresponsive and bad, and they dont make much sense for a submarine. What i'd rather do is make it be controlled with W and S. Otherwise pretty cool game though.

You can select screwdrivers with 1, 2, 3 and the other buttons.
Thank you for the feedback, glad you liked it

Very good, it was sometimes maybe a little bit confusing and frustrating when i had to spam space and reload and shoot and whateveer super quickly but overall it was a very good experience, especially for under 9 hours.