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A member registered Feb 21, 2024

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Found it after checking all the comments, not relevant. Cool game so far by the way, Onsruds are in my dead/to hate/kill list, especially Jorgen & Jostein, shame we can't decrease our relationships. Falsen's are much better, at least that looks for now, eager to see how it'll goes further. Be back with a more precise and usefull review once I'll finish the game.

Hi, I saw that you have a common discord channel, but I couldn't find a valid link for it anywhere, could you please share it if that's so? Thank's in advance.

Nope, no problems with downloading for me here, thanks! I mean that I'd like to support you and unfortunately the only way for now to do so is via Steam. Fingers crossed then, game is pretty good, so keep going  ❤️️

Hope you'll be able to publish this game on Steam, Patreon and Itchio aren't working for me due to region policies, but I'd be happy to purchase it and Steam is the only international way/platform to do so.

It worked for me as well, check you downloads in browser history or maybe try another one? Normally there're some descriptions in case of errors, not always, but anyway.

Just as idea too, for questions during working hours maybe it's better to show question first and on the next slide/scene show all possible answers with a timing? For me it was too short and I just had 1-2 sec to run through answers to click on one, but that's just an idea.

Hello, waiting fro your game on Steam, do you know approximately when it'll be launched?