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A member registered Feb 20, 2022

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I love the idea, but I do have a couple of things to point out:

First, why do enemies automatically run away after a few turns? Along with the random nature of the encounters, it can make it pretty difficult to get certain things to happen (For example, you will rarely, if ever, have every action sealed by Bound even if you try to, because the encounter is forced to end too quickly due to them running away)

Second, I'm getting this really weird bug where once in a while, after I select an action, the scroll bar will completely freak out and go all over the place. I don't have any control at all over where it goes while it's doing this, so I just have to sit there and hope that it gets to the bottom soon. And it always does eventually, but sometimes it's taken upwards of 20-30 seconds to do so.