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A member registered Apr 08, 2021

Recent community posts

More levels please!!

Hmm. The artstyle is wonderfull. But the gameplay lacks. I did nothing and the snake just went offscreen. sometimes the snake just went through itself. And it isn't growing. So it is fun to just steer the snake but a lot is still missing. Keep up! could be something interesting!

WOW! Just how? this game is so fun, the artstyle is polished and makes fun, the visuals are clear and easy to understand. The first game in this jam i gave 5 stars in all categories. 

Very fun game mechanism! Simple to understand. Also the visual cues are absolute clear and easy to understand. The only negative point is, that for most of the puzzles i didn't get this "ahaaa" moment. I found myself just trying and suddenly i completed the puzzle and didn't even knew how. But keep up! The grafik, audio and controlls feel absolutly polished! And the intruduction of new mechanics are excellent.