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A member registered Jul 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey! Thanks a lot for the review! We added the boss in the last 2 hours and yeaaah it's a bit rough haha

There is a small bug when you change resolution, text disappears for whatever reason, maybe that's why you can't see the cards descriptions :( 

Thanks! :D

Thanks for the feedback! Some tiles appear rotated because you can also rotate them! Unfortunately we had no more time left to clean up the doors so they only appear in the correct spots, but either way, we'll probably keep updating the game!

Heya! Thanks for the feedback!
We had some mechanisms in place to try to reduce the odds of that happening, sorry to hear you got overloaded with water :p

Thanks a lot for the feedback! We're happy that we managed to get almost 20% of what we initially planned into the game! (as you do for game jams)

Hey! Thanks a lot for the feedback! We encountered the bug as well but it's a bit late for any fixes haha. I think it's because we have static scripts that don't get reinitialized properly :p 
Either way, glad you enjoyed the game!

Glad to hear! Hope you like the game! Tried our best to fix as many bugs as possible :p

Can you please describe the problem?
We made it such that you have to click the card and then place the structure in the world such that the doors match to your current rooms. If you have trouble viewing the card try to play the game with no fullscreen.
Thanks for the feedback and please tell me if the problem persists :D