Thanks so much recommendations, really kind of you guys. :)
I've never actually played Myst so maybe I should just go straight to the source! When it comes down to it it's that atmosphere you described that I'm really chasing. The Book of Watermarks looks like a perfect example of that too - I'd never come across that before, that's a real gem.
I've played Thalos and he Witness and they definitely have the same sort of feel to them, that kind of dreamlike world outside of space and time. Loved Scanner Sombre's lidar aesthetic but it scared me too much!
Definitely checking out That Which Gave Chase and The Traitor's Gate, they look great.
After I sent you that message I played an interesting game called Fatum Betula that definitely scratches the atmospheric itch…doesn't have the beautiful pre-rendered look that you guys used though.
Thanks again!