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A member registered Feb 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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There's just two LI in the game, so...

I just finished the demo and I'm absolutely willing to try this version!! I really loved all of the mechanics you used in the project! And it's inspiring me with my own personal project tyvm!

I know this is now a canceled project and it can be kinda sad, but what you have done is already pretty great! I hope someday we can see more games like this or next works of you <3

It should be ADateWithDeath.exe (it haves a Chibi icon as image)

Oh, there's no necessary to have any ending to get the 5th (I got it in my first attempt lol), just try to be insistent with the Wedding and Soul Baby Jokes!

No se si has visto y lo menciono sólo y por si acaso, pero los creadores decidieron no hacer una versión de celular por el alcance que podría llegar a los menores de edad.

Oh yeah, that is what i did later! probably is a chrome issue

Sorry, I have a issue, when the game slould load appears a message that says:

Error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (see JavaScript console for details)

This is a known issue in Safari and Webkit browsers. Please report this issue to Apple.

The thing is.. that I use an HP computer and Google Chrome...

Oh hey, absolutely loved your game!

If you are interested in this game being translated, I could offer myself for the spanish one <3