There are two Amy's in the background

Hi, just booted up the Linux version of this game (I'm on Ubuntu 22.04) and it was updating just fine for a few minutes, when it froze and (I kid you not) kicked me out to the TTY Boot Menu??? Like my entire laptop just crashed. Needless to say I am very confused. This game looks amazing and I would love to play it. If you want me to send my crash log or anything to help fix it, I'd be happy to
Love the game. I'm running it on Ubuntu 22.04 with 4GB of ram. I have noticed an issue where at the very start of most sex scenes (This issue started around ~20% of the way through the game) the game freezes up for 30 seconds or so, and on occasion crashes. Currently there are two solutions I have found: Hitting "Page Up" twice to escape the scene, waiting around one minute then starting the scene, or saving directly before it starts, then closing the game and re-opening it. If this is an issue that could be fixed that would be great! I love the game and can't wait for the next update!