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A member registered Jun 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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I guess that's one way to ruin the game 

plz sandbox mode!

yeah it is stupid idea

it won't work on my chrome book 

(3 edits)

way not bomb,fire,ice,glue,rock cells  to?  

bomb cell -  blow up cells in 3 x 3  

fire cell - can burn ice and make a bomb blow up  can be copy

ice cell - can Be move and melt by fire and when a mover try 

to move this cell it will rotates the mover 180 degrees can

be copy 

glue cell - can be glue to cells  and  when move by a cell the cell well get glue can  be coy

rock cell - can't be move by mover cell and can blow up by bomb cells can copy 

i can't full-screen  is it a bug?

me to..

can you Pleeeeeeeeeease make a sandbox  or level editor please?