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A member registered Aug 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Just finished episode 2 and absolutely loved the story, KKpotato keep up the great work. One of the best AVN's I've read so far in my opinion hope to see more of the intrigue that has been so subtle to this point cant wait to play more.

Awsome thanks and keep up the good work!!!

(1 edit)

ok just finished the update, absolutely loved it cant wait to see more i really hope that it gets really going with the next update and we get to see some content with lillith as i really liker her ( really have a thing for redheads lol). keep up the good work and awsome job

ps forgot to ask with there be pregnancy  in the game?

So far what is there is pretty good cant wait till the next update really want to see where the story is going to go keep up the good work!!!