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A member registered Aug 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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The way the camera follows you is very disorientating, the game runs pretty choppy (maybe a loading screen could fix that? I'm not familiar with in browser unity), and music loop had me mute the tab as it got too repetitious. With that being said you actually do have something pretty good here game play wise. The ability to grab onto and slide down walls leads to allot of cool places to hunt enemies from, the shooting- while it does confuse me a bit why you click to shoot but don't aim to shoot gets the job done. I look forward to seeing future projects from you guys and have given a follow (I am aware this was for a game jam)

The graphics are pretty good but the game is just irritating, this stems from how slowly the character moves and the lack of check points as with level one you have to go over the green dude at just the right moment, however the hit box is so strange it takes a while to learn (maybe have them in the ground longer?)