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Lazy Kraken

A member registered Sep 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I don't know what I was expecting when I started playing this but I was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoy this game! Thank you for creating it. It's fun, cute, and makes me laugh!

Ok this game is amazing so far! I am in LOVE with Sergio right now (because I can't stop laughing) and I can't wait to explore this game fully and meet all the other characters. Great job on this!

(1 edit)

This story is freaking amazing! I have read a bit of otome and VNs and this, this isnt just some soppy romance. This is GOOD. Solid storyline, action, adventure, drama, plus the music is wonderful and fits perfectly with every scene. OMG I LOVE THIS! Honestly I became so intrigued with the world in this story. I'm happy to see there is another story, that I will be reading right after this, and I am hoping the creator with make more stories as well. So a big Thank You to Sonnet009 for a creating a fantastic world with brilliant characters!

Wow! This game is amazing. The artwork is fantastic and the storyline is great. 

I absolutely love this game! I've played through it a few times and love the different beginnings and endings.