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A member registered Sep 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love the game feel, the music works well with the dark screen adding a kind of spooky feel. I like how you made the player view less than the full screen allowing for the game movement itself to be challenge. My one con is that it is too easy. It needs more things. Most the game is an empty field, I think more enemies would benefit the game alot.

I like the overall theme of the game, the use of an asteroid as the ball is very fun to just bounce it back into space ships. I think the game starts off great with the perfect amount of speed that launches the asteroid in the start. My one negative is on the second level because it is a longer level the ball starts to get slower which can impact gameplay, perhaps something in the code that would make the ball maintain velocity would improve that,

The Music/Audio with the combination of the art makes the game have a very nice feel. They all sync well together. I also think the timing of the bombs with the coins works well for added difficulty in a way that makes the game still playable but a bit of a challenge. I noticed you had a losing factor if you get -15 points, that is cool but it does not make sense to be that low since it is almost impossible to reach that without trying.

I think the music works well for the Theme that you are going for. I like how the color changing on the ball adds an intense kind of feel to the game. The only con I have is that the game needs to slow down a bit. There is never really a moment to take it in, maybe a delay between rounds or something would benefit.