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A member registered Oct 08, 2022

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Or, if it's not that the Slave path has points that are incompatible with the Werewolfstory line, and just a sort of immersion that your instincts warn you from gambling, just give the player the Option to ignore your instincts and progress the route regardless.

Again, I am enjoying this game a lot and it's super fun, but it just feels like a very weird choice to prevent the player from continuing a route of their choice by giving them a warning.
I expect half of the paths in this game to lead to bad ends, doesn't mean I don't want to experience them.

(1 edit)

Alternatively, it'd be great if there was a way to reset Paths in the Debug room or if the dragon could get you out of any Path, although I get this might cause issues.

Edit: tried to see if I can fix the problem myself with a simple save editor, but that just lead to a lot of variables with no clear indicator of which one does what, so I didn't wanna mess with them

Please add warnings before you set the player on a path that locks them out of other Quests.

I'm enjoying the game a lot, but I just had to redo multiple hours of playtime, because I realized too late the the werewolf and gambling paths are mutually exclusive from each other.

Even went out of my way too unlock the dragon just to find out he can't reset the werewolf path.

This is even the second time something like this happened. First time was Vampire vs Cowgirl path.
It's just very frustrating, since this is such a cool game, but realizing you miss out on content you really wanted to play, just because you randomly decided to do some other quest first is very annoying.

I understand you want some mututally exclusive questlines, but it'd be great if the game could give you a heads up for paths like this, just so I could at least look up what other routes they lock me out of and then load a previous save before I overwrite it.