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A member registered Jan 10, 2018

Recent community posts

Sweet game

What a furphy! Aussies don't drink Forster :)

The music sounds good and makes you feel the clock ticking. 

CGA graphics look fabulous. I feel like traveling back in time. 

I hope there won't be any timed puzzle or at least an alternative for slow people like me. Thanks.

Yes, I played the updated version. The last puzzle was the most difficult.  I finished the 3-question quiz by randomly selecting locations  and the 5-question quiz by checking the walkthrough. Maybe I'm not smart and clever people will appreciate this level of difficulty. Anyway, I highly enjoyed the game :)

It's challenging and I wouldn't have finished without the walkthrough. I love the concept. I hope to see more of this.

This looks very promising

Great game concept. Superb!

I had fun playing this demo. I look forward to the full game.

That was fun and original. I look forward to the next episode.

Lovely fable. Doesn't look AI-generated to my untrained eye.

What a fun way to learn about Crete!

That's a perfect adventure game.

Beautiful game. I will probably play it again in the future.

Great graphics and puzzles. One of the best entries in this jam.

Original puzzles with the right level of difficulty, funny story and good graphics. I love this game.

It seems to work fine on Linux (Ubuntu 20.4).

Clever puzzle ideas and great quality game.

It's a horror game with a touching ending.

Awesome short game. The last puzzle was difficult. Thanks for the video walkthrough.

Sweet little game. If your next game is longer, please consider adding a save/restore function.

I love your game. There's a good balance of story and erotica. I hope you don't abandon the project.

I've highly enjoyed both Francium 1 and 2. Personally I prefer the watercolour style.