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I am back it was so laggy I could not play it but I will try to play it tomorrow at 10am

wow I never ever played this game I will play it i will be back soon.

wow fun game it took me 4 hours to even beat it the monsters are the worst but good game

good game are they going to make chapter 3 if they do i will play it  and I can't wait to see the donkey but it is sad shrek it it i am mad to anyways

I put names like god123 so good

I love this game i played it for 2 hours and i was tired but good game not bad for a shotgun game

what is that snake thing so scary

4$ so much why

this looks cool i will play it soon in 10 minutes max so i can bye it and i can play it

this is scary it gives me nightmares sometimes

wow this game is awsome i so excited for chapter 3