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A member registered Aug 13, 2018

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(8 edits)

EDIT: Talking with the Discord all of my suggestions had already been implemented! Ignore me hahaaa.

As a hobbyist game dev, I applaud you for all the hard work you've done to get the game polished up to this point. I do have some criticisms, however, and I hope that you hear me out to improve on your game.



This game has great art and fleshed out characters. I love the thought you put into each character's speech patterns and likes/dislikes. The designs got me playing, but the personalities made me stay. The girls text me out of the blue and it feels good to imagine that these girls actually care about me when I'm not face-to-face with them. This care you put into the characters reminds me of Huniepop. 

The story is really cool and the quest system is reminiscent of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I really a sense of accomplishment after finishing a quest. I'm not sure about the reward money because you don't have to spend anything to get through most of this game, but I'm super glad you made buying food only necessary for long dungeon crawls and not something you need to buy every time you come home, really appreciated since gold is hard to come by here.

The music is also really well done. The music really does remind me of Pokemon, especially the battle music. The town music reminds me of Huniepop with its relaxed vibe. You have the atmosphere nailed in my opinion, bravo.

Holding 'F' to speed through battle animations. This is something I've always wanted in turn-based RPGs and you have given it to us. All of my yes right here.



While the good parts are fantastic, the downsides are unfortunately just as large. The biggest thing I would beg you to polish up is the battle system. Battles are one large quick-time event. I can understand this choice because quick-time events are engaging and keep the battle moving. The turn order also allows faster haremon to move twice before another character can move once, which is neat. However, during my turn I find myself constantly being interrupted by the enemy attack. I'd be going through the menus, and almost clicking on my choice when suddenly I'm being attacked by all of the monsters  (the Test Serum battle was the worst because Test Serum A, B, and C were at the bottom of my items list and getting to the item list in the first place takes time while Daisy has a high speed and was constantly interrupting me each time I went to grab one). This makes me feel like I'm battling against the menu itself rather than the opposing haremon, because navigating around the menu with my keys is super high pressure and I never get a chance to rest during combat, always wondering when I'll be interrupted by the enemy and have to start all over again. What the current system does is make the Rage attack options the most effective choices because you can select them faster than any of the other choices. Thus characters like Clarabel that prefer to support are super annoying to play because I get interrupted more often during her turn (especially when I look at her Rage options and realize that her Rage isn't high enough and have to backtrack over to Seduction or Breastfeed, which takes a ton of time). The way I'd love for it to be fixed is to <<freeze the battle timer>> when a player's Haremon gets a turn. This would give me enough time to navigate through the menu and choose what I want without getting interrupted. I'd be able to choose what I want and be ready to receive the opponent's attacks. This lets me control the pace of the game, especially if I get a phone call mid-battle and have to focus on something else for a few minutes. Honestly, this single change would turn this battle system from annoying to super fun and engaging. Please change this.

EDIT: On the topic of battle I also think that being able to see the enemy's HP would be nice. Keeping the HP hidden for the first encounter makes sense because you don't know anything about the enemy, but for repeated battles I think it would be so satisfying to see the enemy HP getting lower and lower as I beat them with my Haremon. Also when enemies heal it would be nice to know the enemy's health so I know whether to continue focusing on a target to to switch to attacking the healer.

Another design decision I found questionable is the autosave feature. I think that this feature was implemented in order to prevent people from saving before major decisions and making the game "too easy."  I won't say I know what is best for the game, but auto-save features are always designed to punish players. However, if done correctly auto-save is a useful tool to increase tension in a game. In Fire Emblem the game used to auto-save after one of your characters died in battle. Characters that die in Fire Emblem are removed from your party for the rest of the game, so the auto-save feature put pressure on the player to play smart and take care of the units. In a dating sim I don't think auto-save works out as well. The most obvious reason I dislike the auto-save feature is when giving gifts or talking to the girls, and the game auto-saves after I said/gave something the girl didn't like. I get that you want the characters to feel real and to make love seem less like a game, so I'm willing to let this slide, but I do wish you could turn off the auto-save feature for more casual players like myself. If you look at any other dating sim nowadays there is no auto-save because plots are branching and replaying the entire game to get all the endings would be a complete nightmare. In this game there may not be a branching plot so auto-save isn't as bad, but there is the pressure that if you say one wrong thing to a girl then there is no way to get her affection high enough without restarting the entire game, and that's the kind of feeling that makes me not want to play. If you think that this game is only for hardcore dating sim players then maybe this is not the game for me, but I like to think that you care about all of your players and want the play experience to be enjoyable for all players.

The last thing I had issues with was the long transition times between Events. After talking with a girl or finishing a battle the fade to white takes forever. For flavor I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but when I want to grind then the slow fades to white get annoying after a while. I don't believe that this is a computer performance issue because you let us hold 'F' to speed through sleeping, and I thank you very much for that.  Also with v0.8 I don't really see any of the framerate issues that other people are noticing, so I think you're covered there. 



As this game is still in development, I can understand the game having issues related to framerate and performance, but I really wanted to point out some issues in game polish in case you hadn't noticed them yourself. I want you to know that all of my issues with the game were not with the inherent design of the game, but that the way the design was implemented made the game difficult to play and enjoy. I started playing from an earlier build and never finished for the same reasons above, but the fact that I came back and these issues are still here at v0.8 and close to launch made me want to bring these issues to your attention. All in all, I love this game, and I just want the game to be as fun as it possibly can, so keep up the good work and I hope you take the things I've said to heart. Cheers.