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Lain Azanael

A member registered Jun 02, 2019

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

It would be great if we could have the cheat option to fly in the world too, maybe once we visited all the worlds. The bunny jumping can be a bit annoying in some places when you get stuck and sometimes I want to have a better view for snapshots or recordings.

(2 edits)

Some problems with the current version:

Not walking in a straight line - moves to the right,

Rapid head movement - kinda like a ballerina tip toeing, (no head movement might be better)

If I push jump twice, it jumps, then upon next impact, jumps again. One jump is good enough. 

As usual, with regard to the new indie games, escape button doesn't do anything, with beta version it's is OK, but how do they forget to put way out of the game - if not a menu!

Try to grab the girls already caught. If you notice, there will be some difference in their design, naturally.

(6 edits)

Hi. I had some suggestions.

Firstly, I created this account just to post this. So, great job and keep up the good work! 

The girls that are not caught will run away when you open the lockers far away from them and fail to catch them. How about adding a similar mechanism to the girls that are caught so that they won't ignore the lockers opened next to them. They could willingly more or less rush toward the lockers to get caught, drooling or something, although it's up to the designer to make the animation believalbe enough. They're too dreamy to believably "rush" to get caught after all. Maybe make them stay near the locker expecting to get caught? It will also mean to add a mechanism to grab these specific girls after a "failed" attempt to open the lockers.

Also, there could be other animations or different types of positions, in case you could add other places or facilities to the game, although that may no longer be a "tentacle locker" game. MaYbe a new game? You could create a map of the school.

Or maybe you could, even better, add the ability to upgrade lockers to use those specific tentacles, animations or positions. Heck, you could even add a different dimension to some of the lockers to pull the girls, swallowing them into a meatwall environment so that in this wider pocket dimension other things will be possible. Vore goes hand in hand with tentacles (and it's already vore). It will still be within the "tentacle locker" realm and yet adds newer dimensions and tools to the game. If an upgrading system is added, maybe you could also add a system tochange the color of the tentacles. The coloring is great as is. It's just a thought.

You could also add grabbing multiple girls at the same time (may be two) who could end up in a tighter place, naturally, grabbing each other's hands or kissing each other, especailly if both of them were previously caught. That'll be a new acheviement. (It can be added via the upgrade system.)

The upgrading will make the game maybe more complicated and it may not work if simplicity is your goal.

Also, for some reason I can't seem to see the girls that have been caught once they leave the lockers almost immidiately, despite after realease they should be slower than the rest. Do they disappear? Is that intentional? Thanks.