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A member registered Feb 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Holy heck, did I not expect the story would go there. Like the first, it's a fantastic little game, but I'd wager it's even better than the first.  It's a great blend of Sci-Fi and Horror, creating a cosmic cocktail of delight and chills. It's a bit longer than the first, and you can definitely see the enhancements in the gameplay and story telling, and what a story. That twist at the end, dear god that got me. If a third game ever comes, I can't wait to see what it might unfold.

Man oh man, this, was a good one, and yeah, it definitely felt like a short episode of The Twilight Zone. Though I wish it were a bit longer, it was a very good short little experience, and I can't wait to see what the second one has to offer.

First off, this is an actually INCREDIBLE showing. Thanks to Pico Fox, I knew 3D could work, but this is on another level. It looks good, feels good, is good. And the soundtrack too, masterfully capturing the thrash metal soundtrack in 8-bit form. It even has multiple levels of difficulty! Easily one of the most interesting ports of Doom I've seen a good while, and an awesome Pico game. Easy 10/10