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Lady Anthem

A member registered May 08, 2021

Recent community posts

Game sets up a lot of creepy (and somewhat soothing) ambience at the start, using that time to deliver the fully-voiced exposition and gameplay in the car before getting to a finale on-foot against a stalking ghost. Great horror vibes showing a lot of awesome growth as a developer. More games, Krauser! <3

An absolutely outstanding emotional horror experience! Loved the design of every monster and wished we could see them more often! So many amazing moments throughout where the intimacy of being in a horrific situation feels like both a nightmare and a fairy tale all at once. We worked hard to try to see everything we could. We can't wait to see more of this story! <3 A horrorwork masterpiece <3 <3 <3

Absolutely fantastic writing that really gets into the mindspace (literally) of what it's like to face a crisis of self. The buildup of tension is superb, the graphics give the immersion so much more depth (especially near the end), and the words that you can choose to show the deeper meaning behind everything are perfect. Loving what you have created here! 

Loving the tongue-in-cheek tone of this game. Well done!

A very cute relationship between the two main characters. Love the art and the design of Waya as well as the soothing music. <3

A very intense short story between two characters! We think it was very effective not to show the transformation, so it let the viewer think about what it could be. Well done!