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A member registered Sep 09, 2021

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(1 edit)

hi Caribdis,

very good update, i enjoyed it so much. i am going to support you

Hi KatanaVN,

very good game. I Iove your work. i enjoyed it so much. I like humour there and little bit mystique too. Story is perfect and i like, when i have so many choices, because, i can play game again and with different choice. I love, when i have to play again. :)

I like characters and their stories, but favorites for me are Koko, Avis and Serena. But Falazio would tell me: "bros over hoes man". :)

Koko, because she is japanese, cute and for her personality. 

Avis, because she has independent style, little bit rude, but nice.

Serena, because she is redhead and mystique girl haha.

I can´t wait for new update.


it is very perfect novel. I laughted so much and i enjoyed scenes. I played it from beginning to the end and i can tell, that i was very impressed. Beautiful story, The best characters and i liked , that mystery there. 

I can´t lie, but i was very sad, that i saw end, because that game had me haha.

I was suprised, that there was trip to the Japan, because i love culture and more. Aiko is my favorite character. I can tell, that i fell in love with Aiko, because she is lethal and beautiful haha. 

What i admire are games there. i had to remember numbers and answer some questions in show before trip to Japan, it was fun. 

like i said, i liked game so much, i see so much work there and you wrote beautiful story, beautiful characters and beautiful monsters haha.

Thank you for game and i played Eternum too. It was perfect too. I laughted so much and when i saw THE REPEATERS i cried hahaha. i have question. There was cpt. Price ? 

and what i have to tell is, that Eternum reminds me little bit movie: Ready player one and little bit Cyberpunk 2077. 

Thank you for both games, you made perfect games, thank you so much. I wish the best for you and with creating novels too. Again thank you


i finished game and i can tell, that i love it so much. I love your work and i loved it from beginning to the end of this version. 

Story is amazing written, i enjoyed every dialogue and characters too.

 I can´t lie, i fell in love with Sophie haha. She is very cute and she love japanese culture. I loved scenes with her especially in karaoke bar and when she sang a song haha. I enjoyed scene, when i had to guess costumes from games. I was suprised, that Dead or Alive was mentioned there. ( Sophie was so cute as Maria Rose hahaha. ) It would be nice if there was more, that "little" games.

I can tell, that there is beautiful environment. I like that "japanese" style. You chose very well. There are so many beautiful things. Characters and their facial expresions and their temperament and differences. I think, characters are shown as real persons with their problems and i appreciate that so much. 

When i played it for first time, Shinigami killed me and i asked myself: what did ? I started to play it again and then, she did not kill me. This is what is amazing at your work. It made me play again and change somenthing. 

I have in my head so many things, what i want to tell you, but i don´t want to bore you haha. But i can thank you for the best MURMUR.  You have talent to write beautiful story. Thank you again.