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A member registered Jan 04, 2021

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Hi, I'm one of those people who created an account to comment.

Also, spoilers ahead!

I really love the story and I already finished it in 3 days. I can relate a lot, probably to all the characters a little bit but especially with zack cause I've also had that feeling that being bi or anything just not gay would make it better for me. I'm still not sure if I'm 100% gay but probably like 99,9% so I figured that label fits me.  I also have anxiety and overthink a lot and I've also never had a relationship but I'm really wanting one right now, let's hope I get lucky to find a bf.

I also relate a bit to bradens fear for water even though I think I actually enjoy swimming. But I'm scared to do it in deep places where I can't stand.

Also to Max not liking his name. I'm not named like a girl but still, I've always had an aversion to my real name.

Chapter 7 and 8 felt a bit slow going and frustrating tbh but I mostly enjoyed the rest so far.

In the end this game made me reflect a lot on my own life and also made me burst out in chuckles sometimes cause it was too damn relatable. Kudos for the story and everything, this is extremely good for being available for free and I definitely want to donate at some point.  Also looking forward to what is going to happen next, that stuff got really intense in that latest chapter.

Have a good day and thanks again for this!