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A member registered Mar 29, 2018

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(3 edits)

It indeed looked like it was about to bork again since when loading back into the room after the scene it showed all the buttons for the library still plus the buttons for the room, but I was able to save and start again from right there after the scene with Cleos.

Edit: seems even the scene right after that one is also not letting me click to advance the dialog and forcing me to use the auto function again.

Edit 2: Now after that scene it keeps borking back to the menu every time I try to do anything, or even nothing. I boot up that save and can just wait and it will start doing random things all on it's own like flipping to different areas of the map and then back to the main menu. Relaunching the game now to attempt to see if that somehow just fixes it.

Relaunching game does seem to indeed let you continue playing without it doing something weird like it was right away, but starting the next Cleos quest seems to be the same as the other two. You can't click to advance dialog at all, and can only use the auto function to make it play out. It's seeming so far that all the Cleos quests might be this way, and I'm assuming that it's not the intended way to have to progress through her quests specifically.

I seem to have an issue with the quest to go back to the library. It says to explore and goes to Cleos but doesn't let you click to advance text, nor can you skip to advance it, BUT you can click auto and it will eventually get though it all slowly. After it ended though it borked the game back to the menu and now I'm trying it again to make it though while saving during different parts to attempt to get it past the quest.