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Queen Kyobi

A member registered Dec 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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1: Tricky to say! I think probably the mean alt with Miles and Andy where one of them bullies you to death. I also like the ending on the nature trail where Mike/Oscar step on you a bunch

2: Yes, actually, coming next update all going well :3

(1 edit)


Yeah, it will be updated to the Patreon version when v1.3 is finished. v1.3 is currently being worked on and not all of the scenes are done yet, and I don't update the itch version until the update is fully complete.

v1.3 is a rreally big update that adds like four new characters and a bunch of new areas (amongst other things) so it's been in development for a bit but will probably be ready for release in the next couple of months. 

Between it being a large update and releasing/developing other games it's just taken a tiny bit longer than usual, but the game is still being worked on as always!


I know this is a bit late and you may well have solved the issue by now, but if you haven't the only real thing that I can recommend is a full uninstall and reinstall of the program.

Beyond that I haven't had any issues reported (beyond yours) and sadly there's little else that I can recommend in terms of fixes since it's woefully hardware/software specific and it really could be anything causing the error.

I would love to write more content like the Rachel stuff. The reaction to Rachel on the whole was  extremely positive and I think the game would benefit from at least one more sequence that is very similar to it: as in, more of a sorta visual novelish style of gameplay that revolves around day-to-day interactions with a peaceful macro. So I certainly plan on doing that in the future!

The next update for the game that'll be coming in a couple of months won't feature anything like it (though it will have a big chunk of alternative content with a different focus to the norm) but v1.4 - which will be the five year anniversary update - will almost certainly feature something like it.

I also have another game in development currently that is going to feature quite a bit of peaceful macro/micro interaction if all goes to plan, but it's a little too early to talk about that! Rest assured though, there's definitely more of it on the way :)

Should be able to go to My Library on and download it! It's under your user profile somewhere

Thank you! I'll get a bug fix out for this ASAP.

Oh, and just to note, it's the .quest file that you'll need to run in Quest.


Sorry about this! There used to be a readme included with the download, but I guess I forgot to do that this update! I'll make sure to upload a new version with it.

I'll copy and paste it here as a reply:

"To play this game you will need to download the Quest engine. This is available at:

Quest for Windows - download free software to make text adventure games (

Install Quest, open it, and simply run the file in it to play the game."

The games I make in the future won't need Quest to be ran, you'll just be able to run the executable or whatever. Sadly this is a limitation of the engine that I was using to make my games before and there's not much of a way around it other than to install the engine itself. 


I'm really stupid and I hid the download when I uploaded the new version, which meant that purchasing was blocked off too. This has been fixed!

Thank you so much for letting me know! <3

Thank you so much for the heads up! I'll get this fixed as soon as possible.